We believe in:
The verbal inspiration and the all and sole-sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as originally given, being in its entirety the Word of God.
The trinity in unity of the God-Head.
The essential deity and perfect humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ:
* His virgin birth;
* His sacrificial death on the cross as the only substitute for sinners;
* His bodily resurrection;
* His ascension into heaven;
* His present priestly intercession for His people.
The Personality of the Holy Spirit:
* His indwelling of the believer;
* His baptism at conversion;
* His gifts given when and to whom He sovereignly decides.
The depraved and fallen state of man.
The justification of the sinner through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
The personality of the devil.
The natural immortality of the soul.
The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The resurrection of the body.
The eternal security of the believer.
The conscious eternal punishment of those who die impenitent.
The binding character of the ordinances as instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ:
*The Lord’s Supper (but not being a sacrifice for sin or involving any change in the bread or wine).
*Christian Baptism (but not conveying regenerating grace).